im not sure if  contemporary punks still hate when this sorta of stuff happens? its always been important for me to try and reference my youth and things that have influenced the person i have become in my corporate work. i mean how doesnt love an inside joke?! but anyways im sure some punk some where is calling her a poser, but it makes me think, if you werent around when gism was a band isnt it kinda poserish to wear a jacket with there logo on the back? i kinda think it is.

thanks to tall R for the screen shottas. we are currently in contract negotiations with him…. not sure we can afford his asking price….

i wonder how much that jacket would run me? kinda want to coppppppppp!


Filed under spring is going to be ignorant

4 responses to “WE LOVE LADY GAGAxGISM!

  1. Milky

    I wonder if they might actually be taunting S.:.K.:.V.:. ?
    He has made many statements against the New World Order; even going as far as to say “Anarchy Violence” is the slogan for “Anti-New World Order Guerilla”. He also uses a lot of anti-Zionist images in his art (salt in the wound is that Gaga is an obvious post-rhinoplasty Jew sow; the only thing impressive about her is her ass- fitting as she is a human shit factory and her soul is a cloud of flatulance.)
    The thing about any art that is in opposition to mainstream society is that you have to be a true believer. Anyone who respects G.I.S.M. should be at least slightly disturbed by this display.
    The maelstrom of pop-culture vapidity must be countered with an artistic creation of such grand animosty that it cannot be assimilated, copied, or ignored. I am creating this and it is nearing birth. This is occultic warfare.

  2. Pingback: Video:Lady Gaga-Alejandro

  3. Pingback: Video: Lady Gaga “Alejandro” | NewSoundtracks.net

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